Our System

Our System

Advanced Laser Restoration’s franchise system has been developed and refined for the way businesses are run today. We put tremendous capital investment, pride, and energy into our training, support, products, marketing, and technology systems. It all adds up to an air-tight business model that’s built to scale.

Robust Initial Training

ALR’s comprehensive initial training program consists of three phases – each one designed to provide you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to succeed with your new business.

On-demand Field Support

With ALR, you are in business for yourself, but never by yourself. Our highly experienced support staff will be here to help you with all aspects of the business. By phone, live video chat, text, and email.

Annual Seminars

We offer continued training and learning opportunities on a regular basis. You’ll keep your skills sharp and learn new tips, tricks, and procedures through our interactive and fun sessions.


When necessary, we may hold a company-wide Zoom workshop where we provide technical training sessions, discuss business-building, share ideas, and generally talk shop as a group.

Best-in-class Products

We research and develop our own proprietary technology and products specific to the materials we restore every day. Simply put; we are the best in the business.

Multi-channel Sales & Marketing

We work to drive customers your way on social media via Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, and online with Google Ads. You’ll also work with the many alliances we have with government, state, city, and county agencies for contract work.

Industry Partners

We work with many 3rd party vendors and suppliers from marketing to technology and more. You’ll have access to a network of like-minded cohorts who all help contribute to the success of ALR Franchisees.

Cutting-edge Technology

From custom-built in-house apps to integration with our partners at Google, Apple, Better, and Intuit, our suite of technology tools are second to none in the mobile service franchising industry.